About Us

Mission Statement

Malmö International School celebrates diversity and fosters holistic learning.

All are encouraged to become open minded, life-long learners.

We are responsible for ourselves, each other and our environments.

What is the Student Council?

The MIS Student Council is an elected group of student representatives (two from each class) and teachers. Our main purpose is to be a voice to the MYP student body, by bringing their issues up to management, and working to solve said problems. Other than that, we are also in charge of planning certain events that contribute to the school spirit and community. The Student Council aims to encourage student empowerment as well as facilitate relationships between the students and staff members.

By joining the MIS Student Council, students will practice leadership, collaboration, and communication, as well as leadership. Students will also become more involved in school events, as they are likely to be in charge of planning quite a few throughout the year. With all that in mind, it is still important to remember that as a Student Council representative, your main task is to be the voice of your class.

Supervising Staff Members

Christina Hagelin Ellenor Enehag Christos Papadopolous Anita Yadav Camila Gallardo Aros

Principal Head of Student Council Council Member Council Member Council Member


Malmö International School SC
E-mail: ellenor.enehag@malmo.se Adress: Packhusgatan 2