Photo Credit: Plush Design Studio on Unsplash

What is the purpose of the Student Council?

Our main purpose is to be a voice to the MYP student body, by bringing their issues up to management, and working to solve said problems. Other than that, we are also in charge of planning certain events that contribute to the school spirit and community.

How do I become a Student Council representative?

To become a Student Council rep you will need to be elected by your classmates during our annual student representative elections. For more details, please contact your class mentor.

When are student representative elections held?

The student representatives elections are held in the beginning of the school year, in about the first or second week of school. This means that it should take place in the second half of August.

What are the responsibilities of a Student Council representative?

As a Student Council rep, you will have quite a lot responsibilities. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Attending the Student Council meetings

  • Behave appropriately while at school, for example during your classes, lunch, breaks, etc. This is especially importnat because you will be setting an example for the rest of the MYP students.

  • Participate in organizing and managing several school-wide activities and events, such as fairs, fundraisers, theme days or Culture Weeks.

  • If you are sick, or miss a Student Council Meeting, it is your responsibility to make sure that you are updated on what happened.

  • You will need to regularly check the Student Council Google Classroom, as well as your email for updated information regarding meetings and individual work.

  • You will need to pay attention during our meetings, and take notes that you will bring back to your class.

  • Be dependable. One of your biggest responsibilities will be to report back to your class, as well as get ideas, opinions and input from them to bring to the Student Council meetings.

How often are class council meetings held?

Going by school schedules, class council meetings should be held once a week. However, sometimes this might vary, so please refer back to your class mentor for more updated information regarding your meetings.

How often are Student Council meetings held?

Student Council meetings are held twice a month on a bi-weekly basis (once every other week).

How long is someone a student representative for?

A person is a student representative for the duration of the full school year. New representatives are elected at the beginning of the next year.

What happens if a student representative doesn’t do their job?

If you feel like your class representative isn't doing their job, then please talk to your class mentor. They will then bring this up with your class representative and try to solve it together. If the problem isn't solved, then it will be escalated to us, the rest of the Student Council members, and we'll determine if a re-election is needed or not.

Is there another way to be involved with the Student Council without being a representative?

Of course! Some ways to be involved or to help the Student Council are:

  • To volunteer during school events (e.g. Culture Week)

  • To send us your suggestions through the Google Form on the main page

  • Taking an active role during your class council meeting, such as taking the part of a secretary

For more detailed information, please ask Ellenor, or your class mentor.